Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review: Quicksilver by R.J Anderson

Quicksilver (Ultraviolet, #2) by R.J Anderson
Publisher: Orchard Books
Publication date: May 2nd, 2013
Number of pages: 376pgs
Format: Paperback
Purchase: Amazon | The Book Depository

Back in her hometown, Tori Beaugrand had everything a teenaged girl could want—popularity, money, beauty. But she also had a secret. A secret that could change her life in an instant, or destroy it.

Now she’s left everything from her old life behind, including her real name and Alison, the one friend who truly understood her. She can’t escape who and what she is. But if she wants to have anything like a normal life, she has to blend in and hide her unusual... talents.

Plans change when the enigmatic Sebastian Faraday reappears and gives Tori some bad news: she hasn’t escaped her past. In fact, she’s attracted new interest in the form of an obsessed ex-cop turned investigator for a genetics lab.

She has one last shot at getting her enemies off her trail and winning the security and independence she’s always longed for. But saving herself will take every ounce of Tori’s incredible electronics and engineering skills—and even then, she may need to sacrifice more than she could possibly imagine if she wants to be free.

A couple of years ago Ultraviolet came out and It was one of he best books I had read that year. It had everything.. from mystery to romance, with shocks and twists. The ending, while felt satisfying, but also left with quite the cliffhanger, so you knew there was more story to tell. I waited for that story...

Until now...
This is Tori's story.

In book one, we discovered Allison's story and what happened to her. Tori seemed to be more of a mystery waiting to be discovered. In Quicksilver, we follow her as she and her parents leave town and find a new life for themselves. To try to escape those wanting to track Tori down.
Tori settles in her new life with a new name and identity, and everything seems to be running smoothly, that is until the moment that changes the course of one event, and she isn't alone. Somebody knows her secret.

Not too soon later, Allison finds herself with a surprise vistor: a shock from her past in the name of Sebastian Faraday. He is someone who she probably wished she would never see again, yet also glad she did.  Although, from that point forward, Allison finds herself in a situation and a journey to which she thought she left behind.  But no... her past has caught up to her, and it won't stop until something is done about it.

Awhile, I admit, Ultraviolet was a more mystery, freaky and fast paced, Quicksilver is a little bit different.  It was still enjoyable in its own right since Tori is not Allison, we can't expect things to be in the same capacity.

I found myself really liking Allison, and her love interest. I adored Sebastian from the beginning, and we see much more of him in this sequel. Interesting things come to light, shocking events take place and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It was nice to see the pieces fit together. Things get resolved, and a happy ending in sight.  This was a great continuation of the book I loved. I was glad to be back in that world because it's different from anything else I had read.

I now officially feel content and satisfied with how things turned out.

Rating: 4.5/5

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